Trustworthy Systems

The L4.verified project


L4.verified refinement approach

The figure above shows the formal refinement approach the L4.verified project has taken. The bottom level of the verification and of the refinement is a HOL4 representation of the compiled binary of the seL4 microkernel. This is followed by a high-performance C and assembly implementation, created using our C Parser tool. The next level up is a detailed, executable specification of the intended behaviour of the C implementation. This executable specification is derived automatically from a prototype of the kernel, developed in the seL4 project. The prototype was written in the high-level, functional programming language Haskell. The next refinement layer up is the high-level design, an abstract, operational specification of the kernel. It contains less detail and is not directly executable any more, but it still precisely captures the intended kernel behaviour. The top two layers are a laguage for configuring seL4-based systems (capDL) and a collection of security properties (in particular integrity and confidentiality) that have been proven about seL4.

All proofs in the project, shown as bidirectional arrows in the picture, are machine-checked in interactive theorem provers such as Isabelle/HOL and HOL4.

For a more in-depth overview of the project, please check the publications page. An introductory overview of the general area can be found in "Operating System Verification — An Overview", a high-level overview of the verification project can be found in the SOSP'09 paper "seL4: Formal Verification of an OS Kernel". The TOCS paper "Comprehensive Formal Verification of an OS Microkernel" gives a retrospective overview of the verification, including the security theorems, binary verification, and system initialiation theorems that were produced later.


The project has successfully completed all of the specification artefacts shown in the picture and all of the proofs depicted. Both the binary refinement proof and further security proofs are currently active research areas — for more information see their project pages here and here.


The project has achieved a number of significant research outcomes. Some highlights are: