Trustworthy Systems

Lean and full congruence formats for recursion


Rob van Glabbeek


UNSW Sydney


In this paper I distinguish two (pre)congruence requirements for semantic equivalences and preorders on processes given as closed terms in a system description language with a recursion construct. A lean congruence preserves equivalence when replacing closed subexpressions of a process by equivalent alternatives. A full congruence moreover allows replacement within a recursive specification of subexpressions that may contain recursion variables bound outside of these subexpressions. I establish that bisimilarity is a lean (pre)congruence for recursion for all languages with a structural operational semantics in the ntyft/ntyxt format. Additionally, it is a full congruence for the tyft/tyxt format.

BibTeX Entry

    address          = {Reykjavik, Iceland},
    author           = {van Glabbeek, Robert},
    booktitle        = {Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science},
    date             = {2017-8-18},
    doi              = {},
    keywords         = {Structural Operational Semantics Congruence formats Recursion Bisimulation},
    month            = aug,
    numpages         = {11 p.},
    paperurl         = {},
    publisher        = {ACM/IEEE},
    title            = {Lean and Full Congruence Formats for Recursion},
    year             = {2017}
