Trustworthy Systems

Split, send, reassemble: A formal specification of a CAN bus protocol stack


Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner


UNSW Sydney

Australian National University


We present a formal model for a fragmentation and a reassembly protocol running on top of the standardised CAN bus, which is widely used in automotive and aerospace applications. Although the CAN bus comes with an in-built mechanism for prioritisation, we argue that this is not sufficient and provide another protocol to overcome this shortcoming.

BibTeX Entry

    address          = {Uppsala, Sweden},
    author           = {van Glabbeek, Robert and H\"{o}fner, Peter},
    booktitle        = {2nd Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2017)},
    date             = {2017-4-15},
    doi              = {},
    editor           = {{Hermanns, Holger and H\"{o}fner, Peter}},
    month            = apr,
    pages            = {14-52},
    paperurl         = {},
    publisher        = {Open Publishing Association},
    series           = {EPTCS},
    title            = {Split, Send, Reassemble: {A} Formal Specification of a {CAN} bus Protocol Stack},
    volume           = {244},
    year             = {2017}
