Trustworthy Systems

Rooted divergence-preserving branching bisimilarity is a congruence


Rob van Glabbeek, Bas Luttik and Linda Spaninks


Eindhoven University of Technology

UNSW Sydney


We prove that rooted divergence-preserving branching bisimilarity is a congruence for the process specification language consisting of nil, action prefix, choice, and the recursion construct.

BibTeX Entry

    author           = {van Glabbeek, Robert and Luttik, Bas and Spaninks, Linda},
    date             = {2020-8-28},
    doi              = {},
    issue            = {3},
    journal          = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
    keywords         = {Process algebra; Recursion; Branching bisimulation; Divergence; Congruence.},
    month            = aug,
    pages            = {14:0-14;16},
    paperurl         = {},
    publisher        = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
    title            = {Rooted Divergence-Preserving Branching Bisimilarity is a Congruence},
    volume           = {16},
    year             = {2020}
