The systems hacker’s guide to the Galaxy: Energy usage in a modern smartphone
Modern smartphones are increasingly performant and feature-rich but remain highly power-constrained. Effective energy management demands an informed policy, and to that end we present a detailed power analysis of the Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone. We measure power consumption by instrumentation at the circuit level, and present a breakdown by the major components including CPU, RAM, display, GPU, wireless radios, camera, GPS and environmental sensors.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Carroll_Heiser_13, address = {Singapore}, author = {Carroll, Aaron and Heiser, Gernot}, booktitle = {Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys)}, doi = {10.1145/2500727.2500734}, month = jul, pages = {7}, paperurl = {}, publisher = {ACM}, slides = {}, title = {The Systems Hacker’s Guide to the {Galaxy}: Energy Usage in a Modern Smartphone}, year = {2013} }