Regression-free synthesis for concurrency
University of Colorado Boulder
IST Austria
While fixing concurrency bugs, program repair algorithms may introduce new concurrency bugs. We present a new repair algo- rithm that avoids such regressions. The solution space is given by the program transformations we consider in the repair process. These include reordering of instructions within a thread, inserting atomic sections, and inserting wait-notify mechanisms. The new algorithm, PACES, is an ex- tension of the CEGIS loop. It learns constraints on the space of candi- date solutions, from both positive examples (error-free traces) and coun- terexamples (error traces). From counterexamples, the algorithm learns a constraint necessary to remove them. From positive examples, it learns constraints that are necessary in order to prevent the repair from turn- ing the trace into a counterexample. We implemented the algorithm and evaluated it on simplified Linux device drivers with known bugs. The tool is able to fix the bugs while avoiding regressions.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Cerny_HRRT_14, address = {Vienna, Austria}, author = {Cerny, Pavol and Henzinger, Thomas and Radhakrishna, Arjun and Ryzhyk, Leonid and Tarrach, Thorsten}, booktitle = { International Conference on Computer Aided Verification}, keywords = {synthesis for concurrency, termite, device drivers, termite}, month = jul, paperurl = {}, title = {Regression-free Synthesis for Concurrency}, year = {2014} }