Towards automatic optimisation of componentised systems
Use of hardware-based memory protection to implement a componentised system is an effective way to enforce isolation between untrusted software components. Unfortunately this type of system design can lead to poor performance. Manual optimisation is error-prone and difficult. Instead, we describe a system to perform automatic optimisation of components, relying on three major functional units: a method to reconfigure the component system, simulations of each component in order to determine performance characteristics, and a system simulator that makes use of those characteristics to construct a ranking of optimisations. We start with a simple model and iteratively expand it until it is suitable for a wide variety of performance-measurement scenarios, and show that a small amount of information provided with each component allows for a wide variety of optimisation checks, such as scheduling, threading, and cache performance. We present our initial results with this system and discuss a number of interesting extensions.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{FitzroyDale_Kuz_09, address = {Nuremberg, Germany}, author = {Fitzroy-Dale, Nicholas and Kuz, Ihor}, booktitle = {Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems}, editor = {{Michael Engel}}, month = mar, pages = {6}, paperurl = {}, title = {Towards automatic optimisation of componentised systems}, year = {2009} }