Trustworthy Systems

Towards an algebra of routing tables


Peter Hoefner and Annabelle McIver


Universitaet Augsburg

Macquarie University


We use well-known algebraic concepts like semirings and matrices to model and argue about Wireless Mesh Networks. These networks are used in a wide range of application areas, including public safety and transportation. Formal reasoning therefore seems to be necessary to guarantee safety and security. In this paper we aim towards an algebraic characterisation of the AODV protocol.

BibTeX Entry

    address          = {Rotterdam, Netherlands},
    author           = {H\"ofner, Peter and McIver, Annabelle},
    booktitle        = {12th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science},
    doi              = {10.1007/978-3-642-21070-9_17},
    editor           = {{Harrie de Swart}},
    keywords         = {mesh networks, aodv, algebra},
    month            = may,
    pages            = {212--229},
    paperurl         = {},
    publisher        = {Springer},
    title            = {Towards an Algebra of Routing Tables},
    year             = {2011}
