Mixed-criticality support in a high-assurance, general-purpose microkernel
We explore a model for mixed-criticality support in seL4, a high-assurance microkernel designed for real-world use. Specifically we investigate how the seL4 model can be extended without compromising its security properties and its general- purpose nature, including high average-case performance. The proposed model introduces reservations, with admission control performed at user level, similar to how seL4 handles spatial resources.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Lyons_Heiser_14, address = {Rome, Italy}, author = {Lyons, Anna and Heiser, Gernot}, booktitle = {Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems}, editor = {{Rob Davis and Liliana Cucu-Grosjean}}, keywords = {mixed criticality, real time, microkernels, sel4, scheduling}, month = dec, pages = {9--14}, paperurl = {https://trustworthy.systems/publications/nicta_full_text/8354.pdf}, slides = {https://trustworthy.systems/publications/nicta_slides/8354.pdf}, title = {Mixed-Criticality Support in a High-Assurance, General-Purpose Microkernel}, year = {2014} }