A demonic lattice of information
Landuaer and Redmond’s Lattice of Information was an early and influential formalisation of the pure structure of security [8]: a partial order was defined for information-flow from a hidden state. In modern terms we would say that more-security refines less-security. For Landauer, the deterministic case [op. cit.], the refinement order is a lattice. Very recently [9,3] a similar approach has been taken to purely probabilistic systems and there too a refinement order can be defined; but it is not a lattice [12]. In between deterministic and probabilistic is demonic, where behaviour is not deterministic but also not quantifiable. We show that our own earlier approach to this [15,16] fits into the same pattern as deterministic and probabilistic, and illustrate that with results concerning compositionality, testing, soundness and completeness. Finally, we make some remarks about source-level reasoning.
BibTeX Entry
@inbook{Morgan_17, author = {Morgan, Carroll}, booktitle = {Concurrency, Security, and Puzzles --- Essays Dedicated to Andrew William Roscoe on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday}, doi = {987-3-319-51045-3}, month = jan, pages = {203--222}, paperurl = {https://trustworthy.systems/publications/nicta_full_text/9546.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {A Demonic Lattice of Information}, volume = {10160}, year = {2017} }