Streams on a co-processor
Softway Pty Ltd
UNIX Streams provide an environment largely divorced from the rest of the UNIX kernel. A such it is possible to move Streams-based code onto a coprocessor.
Doing this has several advantages including: uniformity between coprocessor programming and kernel programming practice, which leads to decreased learning time for programmers, increased portability, and increased performance.
Stallion provides Streams on their intelligent I/O board. Their run-time executive makes it relatively easy to port kernel Streams code onto the coprocessor.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Chubb_91, address = {Sydney, Australia}, author = {Peter Chubb}, booktitle = {{AUUG} Winter Conference}, pages = {67--76}, title = {Streams on a Co-Processor}, year = {1991} }