Trustworthy Systems

How to build truly dependable systems


Gernot Heiser

    School of Computer Science and Engineering
    Sydney 2052, Australia


Invited lecture at UPMARC Summer School on Programming Multicore Computer Systems


The complexity of computer hardware and software continues to increase, while at the same time we are increasingly dependent on them functioning correctly – a recipe for disaster. Clearly, a change of approach is needed.

This lecture covers NICTA's new approach, which is about constructing systems so that their dependability can be assured. Fundamentally we have to structure systems in a way that simplifies the critical components to the point where it is possible to prove that they function as required. We will discuss the implications on system structure, design and implementation, and report on progress to date in verifying functional and non-functional properties of basic components as well as some sample systems.

BibTeX Entry

    author           = {Gernot Heiser},
    howpublished     = {Invited lecture at UPMARC Summer School on Programming Multicore Computer Systems, Uppsala, Sweden},
    month            = jun,
    title            = {How to Build Truly Dependable Systems},
    url              = {},
    year             = {2012}
