Trustworthy Systems

No safety without security


Gernot Heiser

    School of Computer Science and Engineering
    Sydney 2052, Australia


Presentation to Korean National Academy of Engineering as part of a delegation of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering


Networked systems operate in an increasingly hostile cyber environment, and transport systems are no exception. Cyber-attacks may used by organised crime for blackmail or by nation states to inflict economic damage in case of conflict. Recent instances of car-hacking have demonstrated this threat, which is becoming more serious with the move to autonomous operation. The seriousness of these risks, which also affect other transport systems, are frequently underestimated. In this talk I will discuss the technical reasons behind these cyber threats, and engineering approaches for making transport systems secure and safe.

BibTeX Entry

    author           = {Gernot Heiser},
    howpublished     = {Presentation to Korean National Academy of Engineering as part of a delegation of the Australian
                        Academy of Technology and Engineering},
    month            = jun,
    title            = {No Safety Without Security},
    url              = {},
    year             = {2018}
