How to not only do great systems research, but also convince others
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Sydney 2052, Australia
Keynote at EuroSys Doctoral WorkshopDresden
Systems is not an easy field to do research, in fact it's quite tough. At its core, systems is about designing and implementing engineering artefacts that solve real problems, and consequently, reviewers have high expectations. In this talk I will discuss what makes a good systems problem, how to perform a convincing evaluation that shows that yo have made a significant contribution, and, importantly, how to present the work in a convincing paper that has a chance of getting accepted in a top-tier venue.
BibTeX Entry
@misc{Heiser_19:eurosysdw, author = {Gernot Heiser}, howpublished = {Keynote at EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, Dresden, DE}, month = mar, title = {How to not only do great systems research, but also convince others}, url = {}, year = {2019} }