Trustworthy Systems

seL4 update: Foundation and TS R&D news


Gernot Heiser

    School of Computer Science and Engineering
    Sydney 2052, Australia


Invited talk at the Trusted Computing Center of Excellence 2023 Summit


The talk provides a brief update of latest developments at the seL4 Foundation, covering, among others, the seL4 Summits, other Foundation activities, and the ACM Software Systems Award.

It then gives an update of current research and development activities of the Trustworthy Systems group at UNSW Sydney, including the seL4 Core Platform and its verification, the high-performance, highly-modular networking system developed on top, and the plans for developing a complete, modular, performance and verifiable operating system for IoT and cyberphysical systems.

BibTeX Entry

    author           = {Gernot Heiser},
    howpublished     = {Invited talk at the Trusted Computing Center of Excellence 2023 Summit},
    location         = {Annapolis, MD, US},
    month            = may,
    title            = {{seL4} Update: {Foundation} and {TS} {R\&D} News},
    url              = {},
    video            = {},
    year             = {2023}
