Trustworthy Systems

Optimisation of rear contact geometry of high-efficiency silicon solar cells using three dimensional numerical modelling


Gernot Heiser, Pietro P. Altermatt, Aidan Williams, Alistair Sproul and Martin A. Green

    School of Computer Science and Engineering
    Sydney 2052, Australia


This paper describes the use of three-dimensional (3D) device modelling for the optimisation of the rear contact geometry of high-efficiency silicon solar cells. We describe the techniques and models used as well as their limitations. Our approach is contrasted with previously published 3D studies of high-efficiency silicon solar cells. Results show that the optimum spacing is about 2/3 of that predicted by 2D simulations, and exhibits a much stronger dependence on contact spacing. The optimal value found is about 60 % of that of the present UNSW PERL cells, however, the possible efficiency gain is only about 0.1 % absolute.

BibTeX Entry

    address          = {Nice, France},
    author           = {Gernot Heiser and Pietro P. Altermatt and Aidan Williams and Alistair Sproul and Martin A. Green},
    booktitle        = {European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference},
    month            = oct,
    pages            = {447--450},
    paperUrl         = {},
    title            = {Optimisation of Rear Contact Geometry of High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Using Three Dimensional
                        Numerical Modelling},
    year             = {1995}
