Trustworthy Systems

Towards verified virtual memory in L4


Gerwin Klein and Harvey Tuch

NICTA, Sydney, Australia
UNSW, Australia


We report on the initial stage of an on-going verification project: the formalisation and verification of the L4 micro-kernel. We describe an abstract model of the virtual memory subsystem in L4, prove safety properties about this model, and describe refinement of the abstract model towards the implementation of L4. All formalisations and proofs have been carried out in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL.

BibTeX Entry

    address          = {Park City, Utah, USA},
    author           = {Gerwin Klein and Harvey Tuch},
    booktitle        = {TPHOLs Emerging Trends '04},
    editor           = {Konrad Slind},
    month            = sep,
    pages            = {16 pages},
    paperurl         = {},
    title            = {Towards Verified Virtual Memory in {L4}},
    year             = {2004}
