Encapsulated user-level device drivers in the Mungi operating system
NICTA, Sydney, Australia
UNSW, Australia
The reliability of device drivers is of critical importance to the overall stability of computer systems. This paper presents the software architecture used for user-level device drivers in the Mungi operating system. We argue that this framework provides a safer environment in which to run device drivers, while making device driver implementation easier and more flexible, thus improving overall reliability of the system.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Leslie_FH_04, address = {Victor Harbor, South Australia, Australia}, author = {Ben Leslie and Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale and Gernot Heiser}, booktitle = { Workshop on Object Systems and Software Architectures }, month = jan, note = {\url{http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/~wossa2004/HTML/}}, paperurl = {https://trustworthy.systems/publications/papers/Leslie_FH_04.pdf}, title = {Encapsulated User-Level Device Drivers in the {Mungi} Operating System}, year = {2004} }