A secure, language independent, high performance component interface
NICTA, Sydney, Australia
UNSW, Australia
In this paper we examine three interfaces for secure method invocation in single-address-space operating systems. We examine the advantages and drawbacks of each model, and how these models relate to linking and loading in the single address space. A model is chosen based on its ability to securely interface multiple languages with low overhead.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Potts_GLH_04, address = {Victor Harbor, South Australia}, author = {Daniel Potts and Charles Gray and Ben Leslie and Gernot Heiser}, booktitle = { Workshop on Object Systems and Software Architectures }, month = jan, paperurl = {https://trustworthy.systems/publications/papers/Potts_GLH_04.pdf}, title = {A Secure, Language Independent, High Performance Component Interface}, year = {2004} }