Trustworthy Systems

5th international verification workshop — VERIFY'08


University of Koblenz-Landau




The VERIFY workshop series aims at bringing together people who are interested in the development of safety and security critical systems, in formal methods, in the development of automated theorem proving techniques, and in the development of tool support. Practical experiences gained in realistic verifications are of interest to the automated theorem proving community and new theorem proving techniques should be transferred into practice. The overall objective of the VERIFY workshops is to identify open problems and to discuss possible solutions under the theme “What are the verification problems? What are the deduction techniques?”.

This volume contains the research papers presented at the 5th International Verification Workshop (VERIFY’08) held August 10–11, 2008 in Sydney, Australia. This workshop was the fifth in a series of international meetings since 2002.

It was affiliated with the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2008). Each paper submitted to the workshop was reviewed by three referees, and an intensive discussion on the borderline papers was held during the online meeting of the Program Committee. 7 research papers were accepted based on originality, technical soundness, presentation, and relevance. We wish to sincerely thank all the authors who submitted their work for consideration. And we would like to thank the Program Committee members and other referees for their great effort and professional work in the review and selection process. Their names are listed on the following pages.

In addition to the contributed papers, the program included two excellent keynote talks. We are grateful to Prof. Gilles Barthe (IMDEA Software, Madrid, Spain) and Prof. Gernot Heiser (National ICT and Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) for accepting the invitation to address the workshop.

BibTeX Entry

    editor           = {{Bernhard Beckert and Gerwin Klein}},
    keywords         = {verification},
    month            = aug,
    paperurl         = {},
    publisher        = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    title            = {5th International Verification Workshop --- {VERIFY}'08},
    volume           = {372},
    year             = {2008}
