Decent MIDI from LilyPond
LilyPond is primarily a means to produce beautifully typeset music scores; but it can also produce MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) output for 'proofhearing' the scores. Unfortunately, LilyPond's MIDI output is not very good: it obeys the notes and any explicit metronome and dynamic markings, but that's about it. So I (Peter Chubb) wrote some scheme code that interpreted some of the more commonly used marks in a musical score. The idea was to rewrite the LilyPond input before LilyPond interpreted it, so, for example, slurs and phrases were obeyed, and trills were fully expanded.
BibTeX Entry
@misc{Chubb_10, address = {Wellington, NZ}, author = {Chubb, Peter}, booktitle = {}, month = jan, paperurl = {}, title = {Decent {MIDI} from {LilyPond}}, video = {}, year = {2010} }