Bitfields and tagged unions in C — verification through automatic generation
We present a tool for automatic generation of packed bitfields and tagged unions for systems-level C, along with automatic, machine checked refinement proofs in Isabelle/HOL. Our approach provides greater predictability than compiler-specific bitfield implementations, and also provides a basis for formal reasoning about these typically non-type-safe operations. The tool is used in the implementation of the seL4 microkernel, and hence also in the lowest-level refinement step of the L4.verified project which aims to prove the functional correctness of seL4. In the seL4 implementation, it has eliminated the need for unions entirely.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Cock_08, address = {Sydney}, author = {Cock, David}, booktitle = {International Verification Workshop}, keywords = {bitfields, isabelle/hol, refinement}, month = aug, pages = {44--55}, paperurl = {}, title = {Bitfields and Tagged Unions in {C} --- Verification through Automatic Generation}, year = {2008} }