Formal analysis of proactive, distributed routing
Abo Akademi University
University of Liverpool
As (network) software is such an omnipresent component of contemporary mission-critical systems, formal analysis is required to provide the necessary certification or at least assurance for these sys- tems. In this paper we focus on modelling and analysing the Optimised Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, a distributed, proactive routing protocol. It is recognised as one of the standard ad-hoc routing protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN). WMNs are instrumental in criti- cal systems, such as emergency response networks and smart electrical grids. We use the model checker Uppaal for analysing safety properties of OLSR as well as to point out a case of OLSR malfunctioning.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Kamali_HKP_15, address = {York, UK}, author = {Kamali, Mojgan and H\"ofner, Peter and Kamali, Maryam and Petre, Luigia}, booktitle = {Software Engineering and Formal Methods}, month = sep, pages = {15}, paperurl = {}, title = {Formal Analysis of Proactive, Distributed Routing}, year = {2015} }