Towards a fully verified file system
NICTA, Sydney, Australia
UNSW, Australia
Poster presentation at EuroSys Doctoral WorkshopBern
This 2 pages paper presents our forthcoming research to achieve full functional correctness proof of a realistic file system implementation. We propose a scalable verification approach relying on a rigourous hierchical decomposition of file system behaviours. This technique aims at separating complex parts of the implementation in order to prove their correctness independently.
BibTeX Entry
@misc{Amani_RM_12, author = {Sidney Amani and Leonid Ryzhyk and Toby Murray}, howpublished = {Poster presentation at EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, Bern, Switzerland}, month = apr, paperurl = {}, title = {Towards a Fully Verified File System}, url = {}, year = {2012} }