Proving the absence of microarchitectural timing channels
UNSW Sydney
University of Melbourne
ETH Zürich
Microarchitectural timing channels are a major threat to computer security. A set of OS mechanisms called time protection was recently proposed as a principled way of preventing information leakage through such channels and prototyped in the seL4 microkernel. We formalise time protection and the underlying hardware mechanisms in a way that allows linking them to the information-flow proofs that showed the absence of storage channels in seL4.
Scott Buckley and Robert Sison were joint lead authors
BibTeX Entry
@article{Buckley_SWMMKH_23, author = {Scott Buckley and Robert Sison and Nils Wistoff and Curtis Millar and Toby Murray and Gerwin Klein and Gernot Heiser}, howpublished = {}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.17046}, paperurl = {}, title = {Proving the Absence of Microarchitectural Timing Channels}, year = {2023} }