Cyberassured systems engineering at scale
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Sydney 2052, Australia
Our team has developed a model-based systems engineering environment that integrates formal methods at all levels of system design. Our methodology and tools enable systems engineers to address cybersecurity concerns early in the development of complex high-assurance systems.
BibTeX Entry
@article{Cofer_ABHSAHRKLMS_22, author = {Darren Cofer and Isaac Amundson and Junaid Babar and David Hardin and Konrad Slind and Perry Alexander and John Hatcliff and Robby and Gerwin Klein and Corey Lewis and Eric Mercer and John Shackleton}, doi = {10.1109/MSEC.2022.3151733}, journal = {IEEE Security and Privacy}, month = mar, number = {3}, pages = {52--64}, paperurl = {}, title = {Cyberassured Systems Engineering at Scale}, volume = {20}, year = {2022} }