Trustworthy Systems

About Trustworthy Systems

We use rigorous formal methods to develop trustworthy software systems—systems that come with provable security, safety and reliability guarantees.


Our vision is to fundamentally change how software systems are engineered in the real world.

We pursue results that are:

We aim to shift the software industry away from ad-hoc, unreliable engineering practices, and towards more principled and trustworthy methods. We would like verified software to become a default choice, especially in safety- and security-critical systems.

We work with government and commercial partners, as well as the broader software engineering community, to drive this change.

Who we are

Trustworthy Systems is a research group at the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of UNSW Sydney.

Our group consists of about 50 staff and research students and a varying number of undergraduate thesis students and research assistants. Our people come from all over the world and from diverse personal backgrounds.

Education and research training

The Trustworthy Systems group strongly believes in a tight integration of research and education, and consequently has a strategic focus on students, undergraduate as well as postgraudate. We aim at producing graduates with world-class knowledge and skills in our research areas. These graduates power our own research, spread skills to Australian industry, and enhance the group's reputation when taking jobs overseas.


Past achievements of the Trustworthy Systems group include:

Formal awards


On the Contacts page.