A performance evaluation of rump kernels as a multi-server OS building block on seL4
UNSW Sydney
In the paper, we argue that it is worthwhile to revisit building microkernel-based multiserver operating systems, and introduce a multiserver OS architecture. We argue that recent formal verification of microkernels provides a compelling platform for constructing general purpose systems, and that existing systems are not appropriate to take advantage of a formally verified microkernel. Our vision is of mostly-POSIX multiserver systems based on rump kernels, with a small set of fundamental services and frameworks. We expect the approach to provide a balance between componentisation, development effort, and legacy system compatibility. We present our initial efforts with a promising performance evaluation of a rump kernel running on seL4.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{Elphinstone_ZMH_17, address = {India}, author = {Elphinstone, Kevin and Zarraby, Amirreza and McLeod, Kent and Heiser, Gernot}, booktitle = {Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys)}, date = {2017-9-3}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3124680.3124727}, month = sep, numpages = {8 p.}, paperurl = {https://trustworthy.systems/publications/full_text/Elphinstone_ZMH_17.pdf}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {{A} Performance Evaluation of Rump Kernels as a Multi-server {OS} Building Block on {seL4}}, year = {2017} }