Trustworthy Systems

[para]virtualisation without pain


Peter Chubb, Matthew Chapman and Myrto Zehnder

NICTA, Sydney, Australia
UNSW, Australia


There's been a lot of hoohah recently about adding virtualisation interfaces to Linux. That something needs to be done is agreed... but what?

The Xen port to IA64 needs around 2000 changed or new lines of code. Is that all necessary? Probably not. We (UNSW and the University of Kahlsruhe) have been working together on a technique known as `afterburning' which drastically reduces the engineering effort involved in paravirtualising Linux (or FreeBSD, or any other open-source OS). For example, using this technique leads to around 20 lines of changed code, and 100 lines of new code to provide a paravirtualised Linux for Itanium that outperforms the manually paravirtualised Xen for some benchmarks.

We used the same technique to use Linux itself as a hypervisor. This talk will explain some of the performance hacks necessary to make this work.

BibTeX Entry

    address          = {Sydney, NSW},
    author           = {Peter Chubb and Matthew Chapman and Myrto Zehnder},
    booktitle        = {},
    month            = jan,
    note             = {Annotated slides},
    oldlabel         = {Chubb_Chapman_Zehnder_07},
    paperurl         = {},
    title            = {[Para]virtualisation without pain},
    year             = {2007}
