Trustworthy Systems

Whole-system assurance

Whole-system assurance is one activity of the Trustworthy Systems project.

Kernel-based, componentised system




Abstract PDF June Andronick, Gerwin Klein and Toby Murray
Formal system verification for trustworthy embedded systems, final report for AOARD grant #FA2386-10-1-4105
Technical Report, NICTA, October, 2012
Abstract PDF June Andronick and Gerwin Klein
Formal system verification — extension 2, final report AOARD #FA2386-12-1-4022
Technical Report, NICTA, August, 2012
Abstract PDF June Andronick, Gerwin Klein and Toby Murray
Formal system verification for trustworthy embedded systems, final report option 1 — AOARD 104105
Technical Report, NICTA, November, 2011