Trustworthy Systems

Andrew Boyton
PhD Student

Research Interests

Andrew is interested in proving computer programs to work the way that they should. Currently he is proving initialisation code that sets up the user level programs that run on seL4.

Contact Details

Phone: +61 2 8306 0781

More contact information is available at the Contact page.

Photo of Andrew Boyton

Publication List



Andrew is involved in the L4.verified project, as part of NICTA's Embedded Real-time and Operating Systems (ERTOS) research group.


Andrew has a combined Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) and Bachelor of Science (Pure Mathematics) degree from UNSW.


Trustworthy Systems Group Papers


PDF Andrew Boyton, June Andronick, Callum Bannister, Matthew Fernandez, Xin Gao, David Greenaway, Gerwin Klein, Corey Lewis and Thomas Sewell
Formally verified system initialisation
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, pp. 70–85, Queenstown, New Zealand, October, 2013


Abstract PDF June Andronick, Andrew Boyton and Gerwin Klein
Final report for AOARD grant #FA2386-11-1-4070, formal system verification — extension
Technical Report, NICTA, October, 2012
Abstract PDF Gerwin Klein, Rafal Kolanski and Andrew Boyton
Mechanised separation algebra
International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, pp. 332–337, Princeton, USA, August, 2012
Abstract PDF June Andronick, Gerwin Klein and Andrew Boyton
Formal system verification — extension, AOARD 114070
Technical Report, NICTA, May, 2012


Abstract PDF Andrew Boyton
A verified shared capability model
Systems Software Verification, pp. 25–44, Aachen, Germany, October, 2009