Fast, secure, adaptable!
A highly modular operating system for real-world embedded, IoT and cyberphysical systems that sets new standards in performance, verifiability, and adaptability to a wide range of use cases.
The seL4 microkernel is unrivalled in both its assurance as well as performance. However, its API is inherently very low-level and hard to use, and the microkernel (by design) does not provide the functionality expected from an operating system.
We are addressing this by developing LionsOS, the Lions Operating System, whose design is driven by the KISS principle. This calls for a highly modular design, where each component provides the absolute minimum functionality the use case requires, an approach we call radical simplicity. This simplicity is not only good for robustness, it also enables push-button verification of components.
Radical simplicity calls for abandoning the traditional quest for universal policies, and instead providing use-case–specific policies. The system can adapt to a different use case by replacing components with implementations optimised for the new use case. The simplicity also enables high performance by minimising the amount of code that executes to achieve a specific function.
LionsOS is named in honour of the late UNSW professor John Lions, known as the author of the Lions Book, which taught Unix to generations of programmers.
The original Unix was known for its clean and lean design, and a strong departure from prior OS designs. At TS we feel that the OS world has lost its way by forgetting the lessons from Unix, resulting in mushrooming complexity, endless critical vulnerabilities, and performance issues that are addressed by hacks and workarounds that further increase complexity. With LionsOS, we are guided by some of the principles of Unix, thus re-thinking the fundamentals of OS design.
We are designing a set of system services, each made up of simple building blocks that make best use of the underlying seL4 kernel and its features, while achieving superior performance. The building blocks are simple enough for automated verification tools (SMT solvers) to prove their implementation correctness. We are furthermore employing model checkers to verify key properties of the interaction protocols between components.
Core to this approach are simple, clean and lean designs that can be well optimised, use seL4 to the best effect, and provide templates for proper use and extension of functionality. Achieving this without sacrificing performance, while keeping the verification task simple, poses significant systems research challenges.
Building blocks
The following sub-projects presently form part of LionsOS:
- the seL4 Microkit, a lean framework for developing statically-architected OS personalities for seL4;
- the seL4 Device Driver Framework (sDDF), a set of interface specifications, device-driver template, control and data plane implementation, and tools for writing device drivers and providing device virtualisation for high-performance I/O on seL4.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for the development of LionsOS by:
- Cyberagentur under the Ecosystem formally verifiable IT – Provable cybersecurity (EvIT) program
- DARPA under the PROVERS program
- The UNSW John Lions Fund via the John Lions Chair
The project was in the past also supported by NIO America.
- For verifying LionsOS components we are collaborating with PlanV and University of Gothenburg.
- Our core collaboration partner under the DARPA PROVERS program is main contractor Collins Aerospace.
LionsOS has its own documentation site.
LionsOS is available from the TS GitHub under a BSD license.
Latest News
- 2025-01-20: Cyberagentur launches the ÖViT program, which funds LionsOS through the PISTIs-V project.
- 2024-10-15: The seL4 web site runs on LionsOS!
- 2024-08-28: Our participation in the DARPA PROVERS program as a member of the INSPECTA Team will fund further development and verification of some components of LionsOS. 2024-08-06: Release 0.2 of LionsOS adds web server example and upgrades to the latest versions of Microkit and sDDF.
- 2024-04-17: Gernot launches LionsOS during his talk at the Everything Open conference (video recording to come).
- 2024-03-27: TS releases version 0.1.0 of LionsOS on the TS GitHub.
- 2023-11-30: NIO provides financial support for the development of LionsOS.
- 2023-09-19: Gernot Heiser discusses LionsOS at his TS R&D Update at the seL4 Summit.
- Gernot Heiser, gernot<at>
Current |
Gernot Heiser, Ivan Velickovic, Peter Chubb, Alwin Joshy, Anuraag Ganesh, Bill Nguyen, Cheng Li, Courtney Darville, Guangtao Zhu, James Archer, Jingyao Zhou, Krishnan Winter, Lucy Parker, Szymon Duchniewicz and Tianyi Bai Fast, secure, adaptable: LionsOS design, implementation and performance arXiv preprint, January, 2025 | ||
Gernot Heiser LionsOS: A highly dependable operating system for cyberphysical systems Keynote at International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems, September, 2024 | ||
Gernot Heiser LionsOS: Towards a truly dependable operating system Keynote at International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June, 2024 | ||
Gernot Heiser Lions OS: secure – fast – adaptable Everything Open, Gladstone, QLD, AU, April, 2024 | |
Lucy Parker The seL4 device driver framework Talk at the 5th seL4 Summit, September, 2023 | |
Ivan Velickovic The seL4 Microkit Talk at the 5th seL4 Summit, September, 2023 | |
Mathieu Paturel, Isitha Subasinghe and Gernot Heiser First steps in verifying the seL4 Core Platform Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys), Seoul, KR, August, 2023 | ||
Gernot Heiser R&D update from Trustworthy Systems Talk at the 5th seL4 Summit, 2023 | |
Gernot Heiser, Lucy Parker, Ivan Velickovic, Peter Chubb and Ben Leslie Can we put the "S" into IoT? IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, Yokohama, JP, November, 2022 |