Trustworthy Systems

Formal Methods for Wireless Networks
—Specification, Verification and Analysis—




Abstract PDF Ryan Barry, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Formalising the optimised link state routing protocol
4th Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2020), pp. 40-71, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2020
Abstract PDF Jack Drury, Peter Hoefner and Weiyou Wang
Formal models of the OSPF routing protocol
MARS2020, pp. 72–120, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2020


Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner, Rob van Glabbeek and Michael Markl
A process algebra for link layer protocols
European Symposium on Programming, Prague, Czech Republic, April, 2019


Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner and Djurre van der Wal
Analysing AWN-specifications using mCRL2 (extended abstract)
14th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, pp. 398-418, Maynooth, September, 2018


Abstract PDF Emile Bres, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
A timed process algebra for wireless networks with an application in routing (extended abstract)
European Symposium on Programming, pp. 95–122, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April, 2016
Abstract PDF Timothy Bourke, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Mechanizing a process algebra for network protocols
Journal of Automated Reasoning, Volume 56, Number 3, pp. 309–341, March, 2016
Abstract PDF Emile Bres, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
A timed process algebra for wireless networks with an application in routing
Technical Report, NICTA, February, 2016


Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner
Using process algebra to design better protocols (abstract)
Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2015, pp. 31–33, Fukuoka, Japan, October, 2015
Abstract PDF Mojgan Kamali, Peter Hoefner, Maryam Kamali and Luigia Petre
Formal analysis of proactive, distributed routing
Software Engineering and Formal Methods, pp. 15, York, UK, September, 2015


Abstract PDF Timothy Bourke, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
A mechanized proof of loop freedom of the (untimed) AODV routing protocol
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), pp. 47–63, Sydney, Australia, November, 2014
Abstract PDF Timothy Bourke, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Showing invariance compositionally for a process algebra for network protocols
International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, pp. 44–59, Vienna, Austria, July, 2014
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Annabelle McIver
Hopscotch—reaching the target hop by hop
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP), Volume 83, Number 2, pp. 212–224, April, 2014


Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
A process algebra for wireless mesh networks used for modelling, verifying and analysing AODV
Technical Report 5513, NICTA, December, 2013
Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Peter Hoefner, Maryam Kamali and Vinay Mehta
Topology-based mobility models for wireless networks
International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems, pp. 16, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August, 2013
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Maryam Kamali
Quantitative analysis of AODV and its variants on dynamic topologies using statistical model checking
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, pp. 15, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August, 2013
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Annabelle McIver
Statistical model checking of wireless mesh routing protocols
5th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2013), pp. 15, Moffett Field, CA, USA, May, 2013


Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Sarah Edenhofer
Towards a rigorous analysis of AODVv2 (DYMO)
2nd International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering (WRiPE 2012), pp. 1–6, Austin, Texas, October, 2012
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner, Rob van Glabbeek, Wee Lum Tan, Marius Portmann, Annabelle McIver and Ansgar Fehnker
A rigorous analysis of AODV and its variants
15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM 2012), pp. 203–212, Paphos, Cyprus, October, 2012
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner
Kleene modules for routing procedures
Abstract, Workshop on Lattices and Relations, August, 2012.
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Bernhard Möller
Dijkstra, Floyd and Warshall meet Kleene
Formal Aspects of Computing (FAOC), Volume 24, Number 4-6, pp. 459–476, July, 2012
Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
A process algebra for wireless mesh networks
European Symposium on Programming, pp. 295–315, Tallinn, Estonia, March, 2012
Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
Automated analysis of AODV using UPPAAL
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), pp. 173–187, Tallinn, Estonia, March, 2012


Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
Modelling and analysis of AODV in UPPAAL
1st International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering, pp. 1–6, Vancouver, October, 2011
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Annabelle McIver
Towards an algebra of routing tables
12th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, pp. 212–229, Rotterdam, Netherlands, May, 2011