Trustworthy Systems

Process Algebra






Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Reactive bisimulation semantics for a process algebra with time-outs
31st International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 20), pp. 6:1-6:23, Online, August, 2020
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Reactive temporal logic
Combined 27th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 17th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics (EXPRESS/SOS 2020), pp. 51-68, Online, August, 2020
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek, Bas Luttik and Linda Spaninks
Rooted divergence-preserving branching bisimilarity is a congruence
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 14:0-14;16, August, 2020
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek and Kees Middelburg
On infinite guarded recursive specifications in process algebra
Technical Report, Data61, CSIRO, May, 2020
Abstract PDF Ryan Barry, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Formalising the optimised link state routing protocol
4th Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2020), pp. 40-71, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2020
Abstract PDF Jack Drury, Peter Hoefner and Weiyou Wang
Formal models of the OSPF routing protocol
MARS2020, pp. 72–120, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2020


Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek, Ursula Goltz, Christopher Lippert and Mennicke Stephan
Stronger validity criteria for encoding synchrony
The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy — Essays Dedicated to Catuscia Palamidessi on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday, pp. 182-205, Paris, November, 2019
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink, Rob van Glabbeek and Bas Luttik
Divide and congruence III: From decomposition of modal formulas to preservation of stability and divergence
Information and Computation, Volume 268, October, 2019
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink and Rob van Glabbeek
Proceedings 30th international conference on concurrency theory (CONCUR 2019)
Volume 140 in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 140. Schloss Dagstuhl—Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Amsterdam, August, 2019
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Ensuring liveness properties of distributed systems: Open problems
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Volume 109, pp. 1-19, August, 2019
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
On the meaning of transition system specifications
Combined 26th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 16th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics, pp. 69–85, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August, 2019
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Progress, justness and fairness
ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 69:1–69:38, August, 2019
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Reward testing equivalences for processes
Models, Languages, and Tools for Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Essays Dedicated to Rocco De Nicola on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, pp. 45-70, Volume 11665 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2019
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner, Rob van Glabbeek and Michael Markl
A process algebra for link layer protocols
European Symposium on Programming, Prague, Czech Republic, April, 2019
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Justness: A completeness criterion for capturing liveness properties
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, pp. 505-522, Prague, Czech Republic, April, 2019
Abstract PDF Nick Fischer and Rob van Glabbeek
Axiomatising infinitary probabilistic weak bisimilarity of finite-state behaviours
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Volume 102, pp. 64-102, January, 2019


Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Progress, justness and fairness
Technical Report, Data61, CSIRO, October, 2018
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
On the validity of encodings of the synchronous in the asynchronous π-calculus
Information Processing Letters, Volume 137, pp. 17-25, September, 2018
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Is speed-independent mutual exclusion implementable?
International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), Beijing, China, September, 2018
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner and Djurre van der Wal
Analysing AWN-specifications using mCRL2 (extended abstract)
14th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, pp. 398-418, Maynooth, September, 2018
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
A theory of encodings and expressiveness
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, pp. 183-202, Thessaloniki, Greece, April, 2018


Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek and Wan Fokkink
Divide and congruence II: From decomposition of modal formulas to preservation of delay and weak bisimilarity
Information and Computation, Volume 257, pp. 79-113, December, 2017
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink, Rob van Glabbeek and Bas Luttik
Divide and congruence III: Stability & divergence
International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), pp. 15:1-15:16, Berlin, Germany, September, 2017
Abstract PDF Victor Dyseryn, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Analysing mutual exclusion using process algebra with signals
Combined International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 14th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics (EXPRESS/SOS), Berlin, August, 2017
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink and Rob van Glabbeek
Precongruence formats with lookahead through modal decomposition
26th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL'17), Stockholm, Sweden, August, 2017
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
Lean and full congruence formats for recursion
Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, August, 2017
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Split, send, reassemble: A formal specification of a CAN bus protocol stack
2nd Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2017), pp. 14-52, Uppsala, Sweden, April, 2017
Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
A branching time model of CSP
Concurrency, Security, and Puzzles - Essays Dedicated to Andrew William Roscoe on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, pp. 272-293, Volume 10160 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2017


Abstract PDF Rob van Glabbeek
An algebraic treatment of recursion
Liber Amicorum for Jan Bergstra, pp. 58-59, University of Amsterdam, 2016
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink and Rob van Glabbeek
Divide and congruence II: delay and weak bisimilarity
Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pp. 778–787, New York City, USA, July, 2016
Abstract PDF Emile Bres, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
A timed process algebra for wireless networks with an application in routing (extended abstract)
European Symposium on Programming, pp. 95–122, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April, 2016
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink and Rob van Glabbeek
Divide and congruence II: From decomposition of modal formulas to preservation of delay and weak bisimilarity
Technical Report 9351, NICTA, April, 2016
Abstract PDF Timothy Bourke, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Mechanizing a process algebra for network protocols
Journal of Automated Reasoning, Volume 56, Number 3, pp. 309–341, March, 2016
Abstract PDF Emile Bres, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
A timed process algebra for wireless networks with an application in routing
Technical Report, NICTA, February, 2016


Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner
Using process algebra to design better protocols (abstract)
Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2015, pp. 31–33, Fukuoka, Japan, October, 2015
Abstract PDF Kirstin Peters and Rob van Glabbeek
Analysing and comparing encodability criteria
Combined 22th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 12th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics, pp. 46–60, Madrid, Spain, August, 2015


Abstract PDF Timothy Bourke, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
A mechanized proof of loop freedom of the (untimed) AODV routing protocol
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), pp. 47–63, Sydney, Australia, November, 2014
Abstract PDF Timothy Bourke, Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Hoefner
Showing invariance compositionally for a process algebra for network protocols
International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, pp. 44–59, Vienna, Austria, July, 2014


Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
A process algebra for wireless mesh networks used for modelling, verifying and analysing AODV
Technical Report 5513, NICTA, December, 2013


Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner and Sarah Edenhofer
Towards a rigorous analysis of AODVv2 (DYMO)
2nd International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering (WRiPE 2012), pp. 1–6, Austin, Texas, October, 2012
Abstract PDF Peter Hoefner, Rob van Glabbeek, Wee Lum Tan, Marius Portmann, Annabelle McIver and Ansgar Fehnker
A rigorous analysis of AODV and its variants
15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM 2012), pp. 203–212, Paphos, Cyprus, October, 2012
Abstract PDF Wan Fokkink, Rob van Glabbeek and Paulien de Wind
Divide and congruence: From decomposition of modal formulas to preservation of branching and η-bisimilarity
Information and Computation, Volume 214, Number , pp. 59–85, May, 2012
Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
A process algebra for wireless mesh networks
European Symposium on Programming, pp. 295–315, Tallinn, Estonia, March, 2012
Abstract PDF Ansgar Fehnker, Rob van Glabbeek, Peter Hoefner, Annabelle McIver, Marius Portmann and Wee Lum Tan
Automated analysis of AODV using UPPAAL
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), pp. 173–187, Tallinn, Estonia, March, 2012


Abstract PDF Yuxin Deng, Rob van Glabbeek, Matthew Hennessy and Carroll Morgan
Testing finitary probabilistic processes (extended abstract)
International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), pp. 274–288, Bologna, Italy, August, 2009
Abstract PDF Taolue Chen, Wan Fokkink and Rob van Glabbeek
On finite bases for weak semantics: Failures versus impossible futures
35th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, pp. 167–180, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic , January, 2009


Abstract PDF Taolue Chen, Wan Fokkink and Rob van Glabbeek
Ready to preorder: The case of weak process semantics
Information Processing Letters, Volume 109, Number 2, pp. 104–111, December, 2008
Abstract PDF Yuxin Deng, Rob van Glabbeek, Matthew Hennessy and Carroll Morgan
Characterising testing preorders for finite probabilistic processes
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 4, Number 4, pp. 1–33, October, 2008


Abstract PDF Yuxin Deng, Rob van Glabbeek, Matthew Hennessy, Carroll Morgan and Cuicui Zhang
Characterising testing preorders for finite probabilistic processes
Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pp. 313–322, Wroclaw, Poland, July, 2007
Abstract PDF Yuxin Deng, Rob van Glabbeek, Matthew Hennessy, Carroll Morgan and Cuicui Zhang
Remarks on testing probabilistic processes
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 172, Number , pp. 359–397, April, 2007