Trustworthy Systems

The Keg Fridge

Mungi — Single-Address-Space OS

Mungi is an operating system designed to simplify distribution in cluster and grid systems. It does this with a single address space, shared by all nodes in the system. Along with other ERTOS projects, the current Mungi implementation makes use of the L4 microkernel and user-level device drivers.


The aim of the project is to show that a single-address-space operating system (SASOS):

In addition, we are trying to build Mungi as a very pure SASOS, that is all data (even that of the system) is in the single address space, and no other IPC mechanisms are supported by the OS.

Check these links for further information:


Related Projects


Abstract PDF Daniel Potts and Ihor Kuz
Adapting distributed shared memory applications in diverse environments
International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Singapore, May, 2006
Abstract PDF Ben Leslie, Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale and Gernot Heiser
Encapsulated user-level device drivers in the Mungi operating system
Workshop on Object Systems and Software Architectures , Victor Harbor, South Australia, Australia, January, 2004
Abstract PDF Daniel Potts, Charles Gray, Ben Leslie and Gernot Heiser
A secure, language independent, high performance component interface
Workshop on Object Systems and Software Architectures , Victor Harbor, South Australia, January, 2004
Abstract PDF Ben Leslie and Gernot Heiser
Towards untrusted device drivers
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-0303, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March, 2003
Abstract PDF Kingsley Cheung and Gernot Heiser
A resource management framework for priority-based physical-memory allocation
Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, January, 2002
Abstract PDF Antony Edwards and Gernot Heiser
Secure OS extensibility needn't cost an arm and a leg
Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS), pp. 168, Schloss Elmau, DE, May, 2001
Abstract PDF Antony Edwards and Gernot Heiser
A component architecture for system extensibility
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-0103, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March, 2001
Abstract PDF Antony Edwards and Gernot Heiser
Components + Security = OS Extensibility
Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, pp. 27–34, Gold Coast, Australia, January, 2001
Abstract PDF Luke Deller and Gernot Heiser
Linking programs in a single address space
USENIX, pp. 283–294, Monterey, Ca, USA, June, 1999
Abstract PDF Kevin Elphinstone
Virtual memory in a 64-bit microkernel
PhD Thesis, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, March, 1999
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Kevin Elphinstone, Jerry Vochteloo, Stephen Russell and Jochen Liedtke
The Mungi single-address-space operating system
Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 28, Number 9, pp. 901–928, July, 1998
Abstract PDF Jerry Vochteloo
Design, implementation and performance of protection in the Mungi single-address-space operating system
PhD Thesis, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, July, 1998
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Fondy Lam and Stephen Russell
Resource management in the Mungi single-address-space operating system
Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC), pp. 417–428, Perth, Australia, February, 1998
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Fondy Lam and Stephen Russell
Resource management in the Mungi single-address-space operating system
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9705, UNSW, August, 1997
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Kevin Elphinstone, Jerry Vochteloo, Stephen Russell and Jochen Liedtke
Implementation and performance of the Mungi single-address-space operating system
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9704, UNSW, June, 1997
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Jerry Vochteloo, Kevin Elphinstone and Stephen Russell
The Mungi kernel API/Release 1.0
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9701, School of Computer Science and Engineering, March, 1997
Abstract PDF Jerry Vochteloo, Kevin Elphinstone, Stephen Russell and Gernot Heiser
Protection domain extensions in Mungi
IEEE International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS), pp. 161–165, Seattle, WA, USA, October, 1996
Abstract PDF Kevin Elphinstone, Stephen Russell, Gernot Heiser and Jochen Liedtke
Supporting persistent object systems in a single address space
International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems (POS), pp. 111–119, Cape May, NJ, USA, May, 1996
Abstract PDF Tim Wilkinson, Kevin Murray, Stephen Russell, Gernot Heiser and Jochen Liedtke
Single address space operating systems
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9504, UNSW, November, 1995
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Kevin Elphinstone, Stephen Russell and Jerry Vochteloo
Mungi: A distributed single-address-space operating system
Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC), pp. 271–80, Christchurch, New Zealand, January, 1994
Abstract PDF Jerry Vochteloo, Stephen Russell and Gernot Heiser
Capability-based protection in the Mungi operating system
IEEE International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS), pp. 108–15, Asheville, NC, USA, December, 1993
Abstract PDF Kevin Elphinstone
Address space management issues in the Mungi operating system
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9312, School of Computer Science and Engineering, November, 1993
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Kevin Elphinstone, Stephen Russell and Jerry Vochteloo
Mungi: A distributed single address-space operating system
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9314, School of Computer Science and Engineering, November, 1993
Abstract PDF Gernot Heiser, Kevin Elphinstone, Stephen Russell and Graham R. Hellestrand
A distributed single address space system supporting persistence
Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-9302, UNSW, March, 1993
Abstract PDF Stephen Russell, Alan Skea, Kevin Elphinstone, Gernot Heiser, Keith Burston, Ian Gorton and Graham Hellestrand
Distribution + persistence = global virtual memory
IEEE International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS), pp. 96–99, Dourdan, France, September, 1992

Selected Undergraduate Theses

Abstract PS Andrew Baumann
A thread model for Mungi
BE Thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sydney, Australia, November, 2002
Abstract PS Ben Leslie
Mungi device drivers
BE Thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sydney, Australia, November, 2002
Abstract PS Antony Edwards
A component architecture for system extensibility
BE Thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sydney, Australia, November, 2000